When I arranged an entire afternoon of delight with Freya, I expected to connect to her “Nordic-by-nature” and made in Germany. Through her magic, I discovered the beautiful “Scandinavian by design” Freya Blume. What I did not count on was the depth of person, intellect and inspiration that she presents. It makes sense that she is a life coach as well. I wish that “I’d, ah, bloomed” sooner – for an intelligent, sensual afternoon that cannot be compared. What I discovered in the North was the wonderfully sensual, intelligent, open-minded and deeply rebellious person that attracts me so.
One day I ventured far into the North to see the amazing Freya Blume. She navigated me through wooden wine boxes to her front door. I asked about the wine’s vintage and her heritage – we expanded to philosophy, psychology and . She offered me the most delectable white wine to spark an intense and almost unstoppable dialogue on history and politics which only stopped when I could resist her warmth any more.
A new kind of magic. The slow and delightful exploration of each other; my uncovering her fit, blond, tattooed, muscular body in a way so connected to initiate the very special and endless pleasure of the day.
I‘ll keep the rest committed to my memory; I will simply, without hesitation, recommend venturing to the North for a rendezvous with the fascinating Freya Blume. If you’re afraid of the North and the ‘White Walkers’, then pretend to be Jon Snow and have a torrid time with the most gorgeous, fit wildling that can be found in Melbourne – just call her Freya Blume instead of Ygritte. Unpeeling the onion of Ida’s person, personality and body will reveal a remarkably enigmatic individual.
Jun 2021 / Steve. P